Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Impact of Transportation on the Environment Essay

The Impact of Transportation on the Environment - Essay Example From this paper it is clear that  the impact of the transportation industry on the environment can be classified into three categories such as direct impact, indirect impact and cumulative impact. Direct impact deals with immediate consequences of transportation activities on the environment where the cause and effect relationship is clearly specified or explained. Indirect impact explains the secondary   impact or effect of the transportation activities on the environment.This essay discusses that  the consequences of the indirect impact are higher as compared to the consequences of direct impact of transportation on the environment but the relationship between the direct and the indirect impact of the transportation on the environment is difficult to establish. Cumulative impact can be considered as the multiplicative, additive or synergic consequences of transportation activities on the environment. The cumulative impacts take into consideration the varied or different impac ts of the transportation on the ecosystem which are generally unpredictable in nature.   The transportation industry selected for discussion in this paper is trucking industry.   The trucking industry is often subsidized by public sector especially through the maintenance and construction of road infrastructure which is generally free of access. In developed countries the environmental regulations have been imposed by the government to reduce the emission of individual vehicles.

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